Student absenteeism and lower grades have been linked to mental health struggles—a clear need for more in-school support

Student absenteeism and lower grades have been linked to mental health struggles—a clear need for more in-school support

Supporting student mental health has been a growing concern in recent years, with parents several times more likely to report it as worse now than it was a decade ago. However, the difficulties that go along with this issue for various groups of children do vary significantly. A mental health screening instrument that is well … Read more

‘Alarming’ surge in mental ill health among young people in face of ‘unprecedented’ challenges, experts warn

‘Alarming’ surge in mental ill health among young people in face of ‘unprecedented’ challenges, experts warn

‘Alarming rise in youth mental distress amidst ‘uncharted’ adversities’, experts warn ‘Pre­carious work, envi­ron­men­tal deg­ra­da­tion and unreg­u­lated social media use are driving alarming decline, research finds’ Wage exploitation, deregulated digital platforms, precarious employment, and the escalating climate crisis are joined by a coalition of health experts as part of an intergenerational inequity to push up … Read more